Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You Just Learned 13 Things About Me.


So I was feeling a little out there and decided to come up with a list of things about myself. I would put this in my "About Me" thingy, but I'm too lazy. So without further adieu:

1. I'm a mix of many different social groups. Example of them are: nerds, geeks, scene, fangirl, ect... basically anything that my friends are, I am. Except popular. I'm not that.
2. Popular people annoy me. With the exception of a few...
3. When I was little I was all like: "When I'm in high school I'm gonna be pretty and popular and a cheerleader and I'm gonna date a football player and everybody will love me and I'll be the mean girl (I didn't actually think this, but we all know the stereotype)" So I pretty much wanted to be the stereotypical popular girl.
4. I am the complete opposite of the stereotypical popular. I am a nerd/scene girl. I won't say I'm not pretty, but I won't say I am... I really don't have many friends actually... I'm actually quite nice if you don't piss me off. And finally, my boyfriend is in the band...
5. I literally listen to any music. You put it in my ear, I will listen to it. I don't care what it is, as long as it's music and it actually sounds good.
6. I hate every social network i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect... Except for Tumblr... I love Tumblr... It is my life. I cannot live without Tumblr. Seriously. I would have a mental breakdown if I didn't have Tumblr. (btw my Tumblr is uber depressing and fangirly)
7. My friends tried to teach me to play Halo... I wound up getting killed every time even while screen peeking...
8. I am a very vulgar person in real life. I just don't really swear on here cuz it's for school ya know?
9. SWEATERS!!!!!! I will never not wear a sweater unless it's summer or someplace hot like Mexico.
10. The only music I actually hate is Justin Bieber and One Direction, also I didn't know how to spell Bieber until I looked it up...
11. I LOVE the band BOTDF (Blood on the Dance Floor)
12. I'm listening to BOTDF right now.
13. I just wanted to go to the number 13 'cuz it's my favorite number...


Y U Typ Lik Dis???

So I recently realized that all my friends are posting, like, all the time. Whereas me, I've only posted when I have to do an assignment. Which is good, but I feel like I should post more. So I will. As well as realizing how all my friends have been posting a lot, I realized how much it annoys me when ppl txt lik dis evn wen dey hav iphones. It just really pisses me off.

Ok, so I understand that if you have a crappy phone where you have to press each button three times to get the letter you want, of if you have a slide phone, or anything from the dinosaur age like that. But when you have an iPhone or any other smart phone and you're texting like that, it just pisses me off. I mean, you have autocorrect, you have a brain, you can freaking type!

Plz guys dnt typ lik dis, its hrd 2 undrstnd nd i jst heer u tkin lik dis in mah hed. lik, wat iz dis??? i cn litrly c ur IQ dropin frum how stupid dis luks nd snds in mah hed. dis also maks tings vry hrd 2 reed. i tink i splld lik, 3 wrds rit in dis pragrf if it cn evn b cnsidrd a pragrf. i dnt evn tink it cn. WTF ppl???

Seriously, can you see why I get so pissed off about that? It's so annoying and hard to read! And the excessive use of ! or ? is just unneeded. Why would you even want to type like that? Especially if you have a smart phone and you can use autocorrect. Please guys, I'm begging you to use autocorrect and make the world a better and less stupid place.

Please don't be as stupid as Jon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sundays Are Odd

Picture this: It's a nice day, kind of cloudy, a bit of a breeze, but it's nice. You're sitting on a bench with your boyfriend (or girlfriend, whichever you prefer), looking at the trees which have just started to change into a beautiful yellow. It's nice right? Now picture this perfect scene... In a graveyard. Yup. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I spent my Sunday afternoon. That is also how I spend most of my weekends. I go sit in the cemetery and ponder life or sleep or make out with my boyfriend (not really, we just cuddle).

It may seem weird or creepy, but I love the cemetery. Is that weird? I don't know. Some of my friends say it's weird and creepy, but others say it's normal. I really have no idea. I guess, as the saying goes, whatever floats your boat! I really don't know how to make this post humorous...

Aha! I know! So as I was sitting on the cemetery bench with my boyfriend, it suddenly got colder. And colder. And colder. Then, the dark clouds came rolling in and it thundered (not really I just like being dramatic). At first, it was a small little drizzle, then, it got a little harder. And finally, it was dumping buckets. My boyfriend and I continued to sit there in the pouring rain until we were completely soaked through. My boyfriend stood up, picked me up, and walked out of the cemetery, me still in his arms. Now me, I'm just sitting here in his ams like, "How am I not killing his arms?" 'Cuz I'm not the lightest of people (not heaviest either though). We get to the gates and he puts me down.

Then, we walk to the bus stop. We had to wait for about ten minutes, and by now I can't feel my hands and I had to take off my glasses 'cuz I couldn't see anything with the rain obscuring the lenses. So finally the bus arrives five minutes late as usual. We get on and go to our usual spot in the back. By now, I can't even move my fingers. So I'm sitting here shivering, not able to feel my fingers while my boyfriend is just sitting there without a care in the world looking like it's the middle of summer for him. I'm just looking at him like "How???"

We finally arrive home and I put on a new sweater and make hot chocolate and I'm finally warm. The End.

So that was how I spent my Sunday. Quite... Eventful?

Friday, October 4, 2013

My (Non-Existent) Social Life

So for the past week, I've been freaking out.

"Oh my God!! What am I going to write about in my blog!! OMG IF I DON' GET THIS DONE I WILL FAIL AND I WILL NEVER GET MY PHONE BACK AND THEREFORE I WILL NEVER HAVE A LIFE EVER AGAIN!!!!!" That has been my mind the past week. See, I've got pretty bad grades, so my parents took away my phone. So I finally decided on what to post about. My social life. Which has gone down the drain since last Tuesday. Usually, I'm a very social person. I hang out with people on the weekends, lots of other days, I'm good at keeping in contact, but since I got a D in Biology, I don't have a phone, and therefore, a social life. I feel bad because I have no way to talk to my friends to see if they can hang out, or, I'll go to school and one of my friends will be all like:

"Hey, I called you, like, eight times! Why didn't you answer? I needed to tell you something important!" Then I have to explain that I no longer have a social life due to the fact that I no longer have a phone. Then my friends get all pissy and decide to say:

"Well turn in your work and get your grades up so you can get your phone!" Or something along those lines and I'm all like:

"My Bio teacher doesn't accept late work. I can't," Then they get mad at ME like it's my fault my teacher doesn't accept late work! Which it is kinda my fault for not turning things in... But still! So I have no life, and I finish all my homework super early, then sit on the couch and do nothing all day. Like, what is this? The my parents nag me to get up and do something with my life, and I'm all like:

"I have no life, you took it away when you took my phone," and they say to use the home phone.

"Mom, Dad, I don't have my friend's phone numbers memorized, I'm not from the stone age like you are," Then they get all pissed at me like it's not my fault I don't have a social life! (Well it kinda is, but that's beside the point) The point is, I have no social life, and I have nothing to do all day besides sleep and do homework.

I apologize for this post, I was trying to make it funny, but it turned out to be more of a rant. At least TRY to find the humor, and maybe pretty please give me a good grade so I can have my social life back? But I do suppose, as Robert Frost said,"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on"
Here, enjoy this bear as a gift to make up for my lack of creativity. His name is Homosexual Rainbow, an inside joke between my friends and I.